”I want to take part in creating a world where we care responsibly for the nature and the climate; where we see everyone as our equal and no one is left behind. The Finnish welfare state is a treasure worth holding on to. An investment in education and the wellbeing of our youth is an investment in the future.”



Bringing climate change to a halt requires immediate attention. We must give up fossil fuels and make significant investments in renewable energy. Taxation should encourage consumers towards climate-friendly choices. We must reduce traffic emissions, enhance our carbon sinks, and protect the nature. Finland must be rendered carbon neutral by the year 2030. By taking action now, we can make it happen.



We must open our eyes to the distress of the youth. We need to invest in mental health services, support services for violence victims, and addiction treatment. Timely intervention and preventive action should be further emphasized in tackling the issues. We must care for the elderly, people with disabilities, and refugees. We can also afford to support and help those with the lowest income. Everyone deserves to have a good life and to feel worthwhile.



Living in Uusimaa is expensive. The costs of housing, both rental and owned, have risen beyond the reach of many. Rail traffic initiatives can guarantee adequate housebuilding and smoother transitions between home, workplace and services. In sustainable cities, nature comes close to the people. We must improve construction quality. All children must be guaranteed healthy school and kindergarten facilities. Support is also needed for the energy renovation of existing buildings.



Working life needs flexibility and equality. We must make it easier for parents of small children and those with limited work ability to participate in working life. Lifelong learning and pursuing a career change through education should be supported. Basic income encourages entrepreneurship and ensures that no one slips through the cracks of the welfare system.


Read more about my thoughts on Yle’s election compass.